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"Make it simple and strong" *  

 * "Simple et efficace : beem beem"

Take almost 20 years experience as art and creative director in advertising agencies. Add a lot of passion for music. Mix this together with a pinch of creativity, reactivity, love for details and respect and you’ll obtain charlee, a creative studio specialised in graphic and sound design. 

Charles Nilles


Creative director 2010 - 2019 _Comed (strat. & communication) | Luxembourg

Art director 2004 – 2010 _Comed (strat. & communication) | Luxembourg

Art director 2000 – 2004 _Hemisphère Droit (advertising agency) | Paris


Centre des Arts Décoratifs (CAD) | Bruxelles 1996 – 1999

Lycée de Garçons | Luxembourg

spoken languages: F / L / DE / ENG

Also available for freelance work


2020   Prix du Public Award | Media Awards | OOH/DOOH: CGDIS - Min. de l'Intérieur

2019   Best Campaign 2018 by Media Marketing | CGDIS - Min. de l'Intérieur
2018   Gold Award | Media Awards | B2B Print: Chambre de Commerce
2017   Mention du jury | Design Awards | Photo Design: Fiduciaire F.Faber
2016   1st prize | LPC - Luxembourg Poster Contest by JCDecaux
2016   Silver Award | Media Awards | B2B Print: Inowai
2014   Prix du Public Award | Media Awards | Print: Fairtrade
2014   Bronze Award | Media Awards | B2B Print: Apex
2013   Bronze Award | Media Awards | B2B Print: Cargolux
2013   Bronze Award | Media Awards | Radio: Communauté des Transports
2012   Internet Award | Media Awards | Ministry for Gender Equality
2011   1st prize - Grand Prix | Communication Marketing Design Awards Lux. | MdL
2011   Titan Award | Titan Awards | Print: L’essentiel «new look»
2011   Titan Award | Titan Awards | Print: L’essentiel «2 langues»
2008   Gold Award | Communication & Design Award Lux. | Best print camp.: L’
2008   Gold Award | Communication & Design Award Lux. | Best cross-media camp.: L'
2005   1st prize | Concours d'affiche Château-d'Oex (Suisse)

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charlee 13 rue Munsterbusch L-2170 Senningerberg  |  Tel: +352 691 82 69 39  | © 2020 all rights reserved

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